Thursday, February 15, 2018

Individual Creativity

In class on Monday we discussed individual creativity, a topic I never really thought about. The presentation discussed two major topics, Brainstorming and Mind Mapping, both that are often over looked. Before the presentation I though i had a good understanding of Individual Creativity, but there is more than just what I thought. When I originally thought of creativity I thought of getting from point a to point b in a unique way. Individual Creativity isn't just the method of getting there but building relationships with similar ideas. Both methods discussed in class help us to build those relationships.

Brainstorming is something I find myself doing constantly but never even realized it. Brainstorming is a way in a relaxed manner to come up with ideas and eventually develop a plan to follow through with it. This method can be as simple as talking with a roommate or friend about an idea or event that you are thinking about. After coming up with basic ideas the conversation switches to what works verse what doesn't. Using this method doesn't involve a lot of work and can help to set the formation for what is to come. I feel brainstorming is an activity that is beneficial for any situation and will continue to do it.

Mind Mapping is an activity that I don't find myself doing often and is rather confusing. The idea is to show the relationships of ideas in a web. This technique involves many branches that feed off of simple ideas. When I face a situation, I don't find myself going to this technique to develop ideas. This doesn't mind the idea doesn't work but my brain doesn't operate in the method needed to develop a full web.

1 comment:

  1. Brain storming is a pretty intuitive, though I think it can be formalized a bit more than demonstrated in class. Mind-mapping is not something I have used in the past, though I have colleagues who are fond of it. I'd be willing to play with it more if the right situation arose.
